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A simple request mocker that caches requests responses to files.


Install it with pip:

pip install rmoq


Function decorator

The example below will put the content of fixtures/example.com.txt into the body of the request and if it does not exist the content will be downloaded and stored in fixtures/example.com.txt.

def test_remote_call():
    response = requests.get('http://example.com')
    assert response.body == 'Example'

The example below works as the one above it just uses the given path (test_fixtures) instead of the default path.

def test_remote_call():
    response = requests.get('http://example.com')
    assert response.body == 'Example'

With statements

It can also be used in a with statement

def test_remote_call():
    with rmoq.Mock():
        response = requests.get('http://example.com')
        assert response.body == 'Example'

The mock object can also take a path as an argument.

Class decorator

The decorator will also work for classes, which means you can decorate a whole test-case:

class RemoteTestCase(unittest.TestCase)
    def test_remote_call():
        response = requests.get('http://example.com')
        assert response.body == 'Example'

Disable in one test run Setting the environment variable RMOQ_DISABLED to True will disable rmoq:

$ RMOQ_DISABLED=True py.test

This can be useful to make sure that the a CI server does not use time on saving new fixtures if you are only using fixtures locally.

The Mock class

class rmoq.Mock(prefix='fixtures', backend=<rmoq.backends.FileStorageBackend object>)

The mocker class that mocks requests in rmoq. It supports being used in with-statements and have a method :method:`activate` that can be used as a decorator on functions or classes.

activate(prefix=None, backend=None)

A decorator used to activate the mocker.

  • prefix
  • backend – An instance of a storage backend.


rmoq supports custom storage backends by passing an instance into the backend parameter of rmoq.activate() method. A storage backend must inherit from rmoq.RmoqStorageBackend and implement the get() and put() methods.

class rmoq.RmoqStorageBackend

Base backend for rmoq backends. All storage backends for rmoq must inherit this backend if it is to be used with rmoq.

static clean_url(url, replacement='_')

Cleans the url for protocol prefix and trailing slash and replaces special characters with the given replacement.

  • url – The url of the request.
  • replacement – A string that is used to replace special characters.
get(prefix, url)

Fetches a request response from storage. Should be overridden by subclasses.

  • prefix – A prefix that separates containers of request responses in the storage.
  • url – The url of the request.
put(prefix, url, content, content_type)

Writes a request response in to storage. Should be overridden by subclasses.

  • prefix – A prefix that separates containers of request responses in the storage.
  • url – The url of the request.
  • content – The content of the request response.
  • content_type – The content type header of the request response.
class rmoq.FileStorageBackend

Bases: rmoq.backends.RmoqStorageBackend

A rmoq backend that reads and writes to the local file system. This is the default backend.

get(prefix, url)
get_filename(prefix, url)

Creates a file path on the form: current-working-directory/prefix/cleaned-url.txt

  • prefix – The prefix from the .get() and .put() methods.
  • url – The url of the request.

The created path.

put(prefix, url, content, content_type)
class rmoq.MemcachedStorageBackend(servers, **options)

Bases: rmoq.backends.RmoqStorageBackend

Storage backend for rmoq that uses memcached for storage. Takes a the same arguments as python-memcached: a list of servers and options as keyword arguments.

get(prefix, url)
put(prefix, url, content, content_type)